Writer. Geek. Coffee addict. Former editor. MFA grad. Library fangirl. Escaped cubicle minion. Home cook. Odyssey Workshop alum. On a mission for better health.

I write about the workplace, productivity, writing, food & cooking, and a smidge about cats. Oh and I wrote this humor piece once upon a time.

Why recipes? — Because I believe it when I say you're a better cook than you think you are.

Speak Coffee To Me is my food blog here on Medium.

I've eschewed a lot of what's trending on food blog formatting right now because, as a user, I find it annoying. So no — I don't repeat the recipe three different ways. No — I don't usually tell you a long story. And no — there aren't any flashing ads or auto-play videos.

I just tell why I like a recipe. I give notes on any tips, tricks, or possible substitutions. And then I give the damn recipe. All in my own idiom.

I imagine it's like getting a very through phone call from me where all you wanted to know was how to make pie ... and now you know everything I know related to all pie ever.

Oh, and this one time I tried to bake along with The Great British Bake Off. I was moderately successful until the pavlova disaster.

Hey, I’m writing a cookbook! Sign up here and you’ll be the first to know when it comes out.

Medium member since March 2019
Connect with Eileen Wiedbrauk
Eileen Wiedbrauk

Eileen Wiedbrauk

Writer. Geek. Coffee addict. Former editor. MFA grad. Odyssey Workshop alum. Library fangirl. Escaped cubicle minion. Home cook. On a mission for better health.